About setting goals and self-limiting beliefs:

You guys, I get a little squirrelly when it comes to goals.  This is a little weird, because for most of my life I’ve been considered a high achiever, but things like degrees and academics and even keeping the house organized come pretty easy to me.  These last few months I’ve been working on two things that really challenge me - losing weight, and building a business.  

Everyone knows losing weight is hard.  I’ve been working hard at it - but I’ve also been hedging my bets and refusing to set a timeline.  Ostensibly this is because my body doesn’t always respond the way I want it to in the time frame that I want - but if I dig a little deeper, it’s because I’m giving myself permission not to go all in.  To skip tracking my food for a few days.  To eat those couple of Oreos.  Because what happens if I don’t meet the goal in the timeline I set?  That’s where things get really deep here - I am NOT a person who doesn’t meet goals, I’m a high achiever.  

This is a self-limiting belief and IT IS HOLDING ME BACK.  So I’m going to go out on a limb right now and publicly do something that makes me really uncomfortable.  I’m going to set a weight loss goal.  An additional 20 lbs before the Warrior Dash on September 15.  It’s a totally doable and reasonable goal but if I don’t work at it it won’t happen - so I’m saying it with all of you as my witnesses.  No squirrels.  Just hard work.  

Do you have self limiting beliefs that are keeping you from making progress with your health goals?  Let’s talk.  We can work on this together

#goingallin #gotgoals #autismmom #autismworld #loveyourbodyagain #skinnyninjapants 

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