The Law of Abundance – learning to receive

Most of us think of abundance, in terms of money. Growing up poor, and in some scary situations, I certainly only saw abundance as having everything you needed materially. I thought that would make me safe, happy, accepted. But as I achieved those things, I realized that once I had plenty to survive, those things alone did not make me happy. 

 My problem was that I was not emotionally open to receiving real abundance. So much of what had happened in my childhood made me suppress my aliveness, use self defense mechanisms, play it safe, and close myself off. 

Shame blocks us from seeing and honoring our true feelings. It creates an inner contraction that prevents us from accepting ourselves as we are. But it also isolates us, and cuts us off from the things we really most desire; peace, love, enthusiasm, forgiveness, acceptance, happiness, friendships, health and joy.

Long ago, my therapist helped ton, when she explained it like this:

The sun is the ultimate symbol of Abundance. It is a light that is forever shining, in all directions at all times. It illuminates everything, bringing clarity. It’s inexhaustible light gives life. There is nothing that any of us need to do to “earn” this light. It simply shines on us.

As I grew and healed, I came to realize that abundance is all around us, if we can open up and accept it, and I learned that the times when your fear and insecurity or self doubt will come up and you will want to push everything away...but that is when you need to tap into that abundance the most. Abundance is a feeling. It's something that is already there that just needs to be tapped into. Abundance is gratitude and seeing the richness in every moment. 

Both abundance and lack exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities.  True abundance of mind, body and spirit came for me only when I leaned that abundance was accepting all that I had already been given...and embracing it. 


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